Our performance reporting is powered by TheBooks software from DMAXX (check it out at www.dmaxx.com). TheBooks is an extremely powerful and comprehensive software solution for running a CTA business. Your program performance is tracked and reported to you on a daily basis by investor and in total, with monthly results available just after month end. Reports include daily 13-column tables for each program and each investor, as well as capsules suitable for use in disclosure documents and performance tracking databases.
Performance Tables
We offer plenty of flexibility for handling your trade allocations, from simple pro rata based on account size to more complicated methods based on several variables. We’ll work with you and your executing broker to establish the best process for your unique situation. We believe the best process is the one that lets you continue to trade the way you’re used to trading, frees up your time and ensures that trades get done correctly the first time around.
Trade Allocations
Our first job every day is to verify that all of your trades were executed correctly. We can report errors to you for follow up or we can contact FCMs directly on your behalf.
Trade Reconciliation

We’ll prepare investor invoices for FCMs and institutional investors immediately after month end. We'll submit them using each FCM's preferred format, so you can get paid quickly and easily.
If you’re new to the CTA business, we can prepare your disclosure document and help you find an attorney to conduct a final review. We can also handle routine updates and NFA filings for you.
Disclosure Documents
We have developed a comprehensive binder that provides all the information generally requested by institutional investors who are considering their first allocation with you. We’ll prepare it for you and keep it updated on a regular basis so that you can respond to due diligence requests quickly.
Due Diligence Materials
If record-keeping is not your strong suit, you’ll love this service. We’ll keep required records for each of your managed accounts (receipt of disclosure document, customer agreements, power of attorney forms, trading level changes) as PDF files that are always instantly accessible. We’ll keep you audit-ready every day.
Investor File Cabinet
If you need help preparing a comprehensive set of policies and procedures for your CTA, look no further. We'll work with you to develop a customized set that helps you efficiently meet regulatory requirements without an unnecessary burden on your time.
Policies and Procedures
Perhaps you’re considering opening your own CTA business and want to get a detailed picture of what’s required to run it successfully, or need help with a special project for a large institutional investor. Whatever the need, we can help or we'll put you in touch with someone else who can.
Consulting Services
We have excellent relationships with leading legal, compliance and brokerage firms and would be happy to point you in the right direction based on your unique situation.
There are a large number of performance databases that help investors find and track CTA programs. We'll help you select the databases that make sense for your programs and update them every month for you.
Performance Databases
Because TheBooks is designed to track your business on a daily basis, it’s easy to provide daily performance updates to you for each of your programs and/or individual investor accounts. Just provide an e-mail address for each and we’ll send them out every day for you. No portal logins!
Daily Reporting
E-Mail: Info@CTAservicesUS.com
Please let us know if you have questions or need help with your CTA business. We’ll respond to you promptly. Thank you for your interest in CTA Services.
Phone: 763-478-6352


Shortly after that, we hatched a plan for CTA Services, a new company that would cater to new and established CTAs, allowing them to outsource everything but the trading to our capable hands. By then, we'd been using TheBooks software for years and knew it would be an ideal platform to support our efforts. We worked out a deal with DMAXX to use it to power most of our services, and CTA Services was born.
Please consider making CTA Services part of your back office team. With CTA Services, you can relax and focus on trading. We've got you covered.
We joined the futures industry as a new CTA in 2005. It was a great time to be a CTA, because commodities had just started gaining attention and were being talked about in the financial press. Long-only commodity funds were gathering assets at breakneck speed. It was relatively easy to make money and we grew rapidly to about $80 million under management among more than 200 accounts. We delivered excellent returns to our customers, particularly in 2008. But by 2010, the hog markets had been so difficult to trade for so long, we decided to shut it down.

​Call us today at 763-478-6352 to see how we can make your life easier.

Get Your Free e-Book!
LAUNCHING YOUR NEW CTA offers helpful advice to new commodity trading advisors. It's a quick and interesting read, organized into topics that include CTA setup, marketing, operations, compliance, and performance reporting. It's yours for the asking. We hope you find it valuable. Don't worry, we won't spam you or sell your contact info to anyone. We just need it to send you the PDF version of the book.